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What are the entry requirements?

To enrol in this programme you must:

  • be at least 16 years of age

  • be living in the Tainui area

  • be connected to a kōhanga reo, ECE, kura (primary/secondary), whare wānanga, or education faculty. 

Is there a fee?

Karekau ā-pūtea nei - No payment fee, just your time and commitment.

How many release days do I need to apply for?

E rua - two. Both days are held on a Friday.

How do the release payments work?

You must graduate to receive $500 + GST. All funding is afforded to your respective kura to support teacher release costs, it is not allocated to individual participants. Our Pou Ruruku - Project Manager will contact your Tumuaki and accounts team to invoice u

How many intakes are there in a year?

E whā - four. A new intake commences at the beginning of a school term and finishes at the end of a school term.

Do you provide workbooks?

Āna - Yes. We have E-workbooks for each level which you can type into. They are distributed electronically on your first day. Hard-copies are unavailable.

Will I gain a formal qualification by completing this programme?

At this time, there is no qualification associated with Te Ahu o te Reo Māori. However, the Ministry alongside NZQA will be investigating the potential of micro-credentials for graduates.

Can I register if I live outside of the Tainui region?

You must be living in the Tainui rohe to participate in Te Rekamauroa ki Tainui.

Who needs to approve my enrolment in Te Rekamauroa?

For kaiako, support staff and employees of any kura, school, wharekura, kōhanga reo or early learning service, you will need alignment and approval from your Principal/Tumuaki or delegated authoriser. They will be notified by our Pou Ruruku - Project Manager, Jess Walker to confirm your registration.

What does the class schedule look like?

8:30am - Karakia and pānui
9:00am - Akoranga
10:00am - Ō-ata (morning tea)
10:30am - Akoranga
12:00pm - Ō-ahiahi (lunch time)
1:00pm - Akoranga
3:00pm - Huritao (reflections), Wero (challenge for the week)
3:30pm - Karakia

What are Wero?

Wero are easy challenges that each pūkenga (facilitator) will set for you to complete within 7 days after your Akoranga Whakahihiri to consolidate your learning.

What happens if I miss one class?

You miss a whole day of learning. We recommend you check that our dates align to your calender before you register. We have an 85% attendance policy however, to get the most out of the programme, 100% commitment is preferable.

Can my whānau enrol in the course with me?

As long as they are supported by your Tumuaki or Kaiako Matua, āheiha! aboslutely!

When do registrations close?

Registrations will remain open until delivery begins or places have been filled.


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